Project Profile/ Details Animation Project Name: Graham Duration: estimated 3 mins. Format: Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Synapsis His wife’s favourite flowers, or what is…

This week I worked on developing and refining my storyboard. I implemented my tutor and peer feedback and personal opinion to develop cinematic timing, technique…

This week I intend to develop my story ideas into a shot list, including the dialogue and a script for the voice actor. Shot List…

Main Concept/ Aims The concept consists of a story that depicts a gradual transition of mood. Through visual imagery, colour, tone and performance, I will…

Final Major Proposal Video Link Proposal Notes Personal challenges within this project will include the complexity of the environment design and character rig. Due to…

Thesis Proposal Research Blog Post My premise animation project research closely connects to my Thesis topic of discussion. The deliberation within the two are comparable…